Through the work on projects, Karin Dom develops and pilots new services to meet the needs of children and families. Project activities provide us with the opportunity to exchange experience with Bulgarian and foreign specialists, further strengthening the qualifications of our team members and our ability to influence social attitudes and work towards greater tolerance and respect for the rights of children with special needs.
Karin Dom has successfully completed a considerable number of projects funded by the Phare Programme, EU Programmes, as well as by grant programmes of government, public and private organizations.
Thanks to the project, we have the opportunity to provide employment in the social enterprise for persons for a period of 4 months, as well as to support the purchase of materials for the production of articles for the purpose of charity sale.
(Bulgarian) Проектът ще обхване 32 семейства от Варна и цялата страна и има за цел да подкрепи ранното детско развитие и подготовка за детска градина и училище. Програмата се финансира от Каргил България и включването в нея е безплатно за семействата.
The project will ensure sustainable employment for parents of children with special needs, who are a vulnerable group, as well as competitiveness of the products produced by the social enterprise.
Our main goal is to engage young people aged 15 to 29 in diverse, meaningful and interesting volunteering activities and initiatives, engaging in various creative product creation workshops and engaging in the topic of social entrepreneurship.
Thanks to the project, the Karin Dom Foundation will have the opportunity to purchase a car in order to improve access of specialists to families in need and professionals in remote places
For the second year in a row, Karin Dom has started registrations under the Water Therapy for Children with Disabilities and Developmental Problems program, funded by the Municipality of Varna, Health Directorate. The classes will be held at Karin Dom at: Varna, 86A Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.
The project offers services, activities, events and measures aimed at complex care for children with special needs 0-8 years, support for families, quality education and increasing the capacity of specialists.
The project aims to provide professional services for children aged 3-8 years who have developmental delays, atypical behavior, or social and emotional difficulties. The main goal is to provide equal access to quality therapeutic services for families, both from Varna and from the country.
Up to 60 children with special needs from 2 to 14 yrs can participate in the program. The swimming sessions are held with the aim of stimulating the physical and psychomotor development of children with disorders of the Autism spectrum, of the musculoskeletal system and children with Down syndrome, through active activities in a water environment.
“My Message in My Language! – the Right of Young People to be Heard and the Power of the Good Message” – the project started in June and is aimed at young people aged 15-29 from the city of Varna. Register to participate!
19 rooms for working with children and families will be equipped. The presence of air conditioners in the working premises will contribute not only to temperatures suitable for work, but also to better air quality.
The project aims to provide professional services for children aged 2-8 years who have developmental delays, atypical behavior, or social and emotional difficulties. The main goal is to provide equal access to quality therapeutic services for families from different settlements.
The project will cover children with special needs aged 0-8 who visit Karin Dom by providing additional opportunities for inclusion in family groups, education and training for parents and family members, counseling – social and psychological, group activities, guidance for working in a home environment.
Through the project proposal we aim to provide full and responsive to the individual needs and requirements of children and families therapeutic, educational and psychological support.
Within the partnership between TBI Bank EAD and Karin Dom Foundation we will have the opportunity to provide free access to high quality services for children with special needs from Ukraine and their families.
As a result of the project we will have the opportunity to complete the construction of this modern space in which Karin Home to support the development of children with special needs, to empower professionals and parents.
The program will aim to provide professional services for children (aged 3-7) across the country who have developmental delays, atypical behavior, or social and emotional difficulties. The main goals is to provide equal access to quality therapeutic services for families across the country.
The Burnout Free ECI consortium consists of 10 Partners & 1 Associated Partner from 8 different countries (Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Belgium and Albania).
The focus of the project is the essential importance of philanthropy as a culture, way of life and a valuable tool for supporting significant, sustainable social and other causes that benefit the community in the long run.
Human capital is one of the most important factors for the success of any organization, no matter its size or field of operation. Charitable organizations are no exception. Building a team where people feel trusted, supported and motivated is one of the top priorities when it comes to retaining professionals in the company.
The goal of the project is for young people to see in the non-governmental sector opportunities for personal and professional growth, for changing attitudes, for improving the environment, for advocacy and an active civic role and position.
25 years Karin Dom Foundation – a book about the journey, support and innovation in the field of social services in Bulgaria with the support of the Municipality of Varna, which provided partial financial support for the publication of the publication through the Culture Fund.
At the invitation of UNICEF – Bulgaria Karin Dom joined the project for the pilot implementation of the “Child Guarantee” of the European Union in Bulgaria. The project is funded by the European Commission, and Karin Dom will be involved in its part, which will work to strengthen the capacity of specialists for early intervention and quality inclusive preschool education.
(Bulgarian) Сътрудничеството ще подкрепя дейности, осъществявани като част от усилията на УНИЦЕФ, целящи да изпробват системен подход за ранна детска интервенция, включително ранно откриване на затруднения в развитието в системата на здравеопазването, насочване към базирани в общността услуги по РДИ. Подходът ще бъде тестван в две общини: Нова Загора и Хасково.
Project ASUMIE, a strategic partnership for school innovation, focuses on strengthening the role and skills of people that support the classroom teacher as a leader of a team in organizing and implementing additional support and realizing accommodations in the process of inclusive education.
In 2020 Karin dom launched a new, long-term and very promising partnership with a large charitable foundation from Switzerland – the Kahane Foundation.
The project will cover children with special needs aged 0-8 years who visit Karin Dom, and will also provide the opportunity to join family groups, training and coaching for parents and family members, counseling – social and psychological, group activities, guidelines for work in the home environment.
“Friends of Bulgaria” Association will start work this year for intensive weekly therapy at Karin dom for families of children with special needs. The association will also fund 5 trainings for foster families in Karin Dom.
(Bulgarian) Проектът се финансира от Фондация “Живот със Синдром на Даун” и обхваща 4 деца, които ще посещават арт занимания със специалисти на Карин дом до края на 2020г.
Specialists from Karin Dom and parents will visit social and educational services in Iceland to share experience and knowledge regarding inclusive education for children with special needs.
The project will be developed methods and guidelines for the successful support of children with special needs and their families, modules for parental advocacy training and teacher training will be developed to prepare for the transition to day care or kindergarten. We will aim at improving cross-sector cooperation on inclusive education.
(Bulgarian) Проектът цели да подпомогне активното социално включване и пълноценен достъп до пазара на труда на 20 семейства/родители на деца със специални нужди.
The project’s aim is construction of a state of the art facility that will increase our ability to spread the knowledge, help many more children that are the heart of our work and introduce supportive and inclusive environment for these children at policy level and in the society.
The aim of the project is to provide opportunities for 25 young people aged 15-29 to increase their knowledge and skills in the field of social entrepreneurship and ecology by engaging in activities in which they will be the main driving force.
Within 4 months, parents will discuss 11 topics with different strategies and approaches to stimulate the development of their children. Groups of 8-10 children will be held and the families will work on the methodology twice a week for an hour and a half.
The project funded by International Women’s Club – Sofia will propose the introduction and adaptation of an innovative approach called Rights-based approach for the development of civic activity in Bulgaria, with special engagement of parents of children with special needs as representatives of vulnerable communities and active citizens.
The program will aim to provide professional services for children (aged 3-7) across the country who have developmental delays, atypical behavior, or social and emotional difficulties. Packages will provide a 5-day individualized intensive therapeutic program that will take place in Karin dom.
In addition to the emotional support that specialists will gain, supervision ensures the high quality and standard of therapy that Karin House offers to children and their families.
For a period of 6 months, the charity organization “KIDS CARE CHARITY” funds the therapy of two children with special needs in the Karin Dom.
The project enables children with special needs in foster families to receive highly qualified treatment according to their needs, thus increasing their chances of adoption and full life.
The project will provide an opportunity for 35 children with special needs with different conditions to participate in individual and group music therapy sessions at Karin dom.
This project will finance 3 children with special needs to be part of the “Social Integration Group in Montessori Environment” at Karin dom and will help them feel accepted and understood.
The project “Center for Family-Mediated Intervention” aims to introduce and develop an innovative for Bulgaria service where the family is the driver, acknowledging the strengths and upgrading the skills and competencies of family members.
(Bulgarian) Карин дом стартира проекта „Творчество и доброволчество в Карин дом“. Проектът се реализира с финансовата подкрепа на програма “Младежки дейности” на Община Варна и цели включването на младежи на възраст 15-29 години в доброволческа дейност.
(Bulgarian) Благодарение на финансирането на Международния Женски Клуб – София, това иновативно обучение ще се провежда от обучен специалист на Карин дом с 15 деца, които в момента посещават терапевтичния център.
(Bulgarian) Във връзка с разрастването на дейността през годините и придобиване на все по-голяма роля за развитие на сектора, чрез настоящия проект Сдружение „Приятели на Карин дом“ ще моделира и осъвремени организационните процеси вътре в структурата.
The project finance the therapy of 5 children with special needs at Karin Dom. The children involved in the project work with a highly qualified team of specialists.
To provide opportunities for 7 children with special needs in foster care to receive individualized support according to their needs, to unfold their potential so that they become more independent and develop social and communication skills.
(Bulgarian) Да се изгради действащ социален механизъм за значително подобряване достъпа до пазара на труда и професионалната реализация за родителите на деца с увреждания чрез едновременна мотивационна, психологическа, социална и образователна подкрепа.
(Bulgarian) От стартирането на проекта “Подкрепи семейство” през 2011 г., до края на 2016-а година проектът на Карин дом и Societe Generale Експресбанк подкрепи повече от 157 деца със специални потребности в България.
Over the past few years the subject of philanthropy and volunteering becomes more popular and applicable to most of the developed countries’ culture worldwide and obviously, it grows into a socially significant global element that has more and more important place in society.
(Bulgarian) Основната цел на проекта е да се осъществи изследване за адаптация на скрийнинг – Въпросници по възрасти и етапи, Трето издание (ASQ-3™)
We will continue developing the Early Intervention services with emphasis on supporting families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Developing Karin Dom’s capacity for effective managing and gaining resources in order to create a favourable environment for activities that support children with special needs.
The goal of the project is the creation of an unified model for providing early intevention services in Bulgaria. The specialists from Karin Dom will work on a manual on how to provide early intervention services and will lead trainings for all of the newly established municipal centres in the Bulgaria.
The ENABLIN + project is addressed at the needs of children and youth with complex and intense support needs (CISN), their caregivers and supporters.
The project is directed towards children with special needs, other children of the same age, parents, teachers, specialists and representatives of public administration and other organizations.
The necessity of this project derives from the fact that many children with disabilities are being institutionalized on the account of their parents’ impossibility to raise them.
The project focuses on the adoption and integration of the family-centered model by social service providers, as well as increasing the capacity and expertise of specialists.
The project’s objective is to raise the quality of professional education through acquiring effective models of work with children with autistic spectrum disorder and other children with special needs
(Bulgarian) Целта на проекта е изграждане на адаптирана за възрастни площадка за игра в градината на Карин дом, която да насърчи взаимодействието между деца и възрастни и да подобри физическото, емоционално и социално състояние на възрастните хора.
This project aims to contribute to a successful de-institutionalisation in Bulgaria by training professionals who will support children with disabilities who will be leaving institutional care and children whose abandonment will be prevented.
The Toy Library in Karin dom was established in partnership with WWO – Worldwide Orphans Foundation. The library contains 166 toys for children aged 0-7 years – using the library is free for all interested parents and children
(Bulgarian) Проектът е насочен към създаване на условия за приобщаване на деца със специални потребности чрез организирането на съвместни спортни събития с техни връстници.
Lead organization – Lumos foundation – London, UK
Project partner – Karin Dom foundation – Varna, BG
Families of children with disabilities face special problems. Reasons that lead to the difficult situation are extreme physical as well as psychological strains, financial limitations, limited mobility, extreme daily work load and challenges on..
„Helpers of Mom and Dad” – development of practical skills for independent life for children with special needs
The project will advance private and corporate philanthropy and the culture of giving for good causes in Bulgaria. Participants in the discussions will be local businesses or active individuals, along with childcare professionals, teachers..
The project “good will summer school” aims to inspire and enhance the commitment of youth to the cause of social support and promote their initiative in terms of environmental protection.
The project has the purpose to build on its Early Intervention Program (started since December 2010) as community-based system of care through strengthening the capacity of our team
The project adopts the social model that focuses on children and families in developing services and demonstrates its advances over the medical model.
he project purpose is Karin Dom, in cooperation with the Municipality of Varna, to catalyse the stage of the transition to inclusive education in Varna Municipality.
A multi-country training programme, conference event and performance in Romania, and country-based residencies introducing Integrated Dance to Romania, Bulgaria and Albania.
The project objective is to refresh and enrich the professional knowledge of 6 specialists from Karin Dom in the field of Montessori therapy through attending a training in working environment organized by the University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam.
This project aims to support the development of Early Intervention service by 10 non-governmental organizations in Bulgaria through trainings, expert advice and promotion activities.
The main objective of the project is to provide quality services to children with special needs from their earliest age and to their families in order to prevent children from being abandoned in institutions and to promote their successful inclusion
To acquire knowledge on the following techniques for early intervention: method for alternative communication, TEACH and sensory stimulation.
Creating a garden with an eco-hut for the children – financed by the Norwegian Embassy in Bulgaria.
Innovative approach (“Accelerated Learning”) to training for trainers and for frontline staff, supporting people with intellectual disabilities.
Teaching social skills in children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) from an early age and preparatory work
Social integration for children and youths with physical and mental disabilities and learning difficulties.
A 20-month Training Project whereby Karin Dom worked with staff from two daycare centres and one residential institution for children with mental problems.
Training for Professionals to open the First Daycare Centre for Children with Disabilities in Bjelo Polje, Montenegro.
Training for Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists and parents in Skopje on feeding, drinking and salivation control.
Training of Social Assistants of Children with Special Needs Integrated into Mainstream Kindergartens and Schools.