
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Musictherapy for children with special needs at Karin dom

In working with the children in “Karin Dom” Foundation, we are looking for the right means of communication so that the child feels free to express himself, his needs and emotions. Music is an essential tool of communication when it is impossible through the use of verbal speech. Music therapy not only soothes and motivates children, but it also helps them to concentrate on attention and communication, even in the absence of verbal skills.

Purpose of the project:

The project will enable 35 children with special needs at Karin dom, aged between 3-8 years with different conditions to participate in individual and group music therapy sessions, it will be led by a highly qualified specialist – music therapist. Our therapist has a Master’s degree from the renowned Berlin University of Arts (Universität der Künste Berlin) in Berlin, Germany, and over 5 years of experience in the field, with participation in a number of national and international trainings and conferences for working with children with special needs.

The project aims to bring public attention to the opportunities of children with special needs, focusing on their artistic, heartfelt, strong attachment to the people around them and not on their deficits.


1. Regarding the development of children with special needs included in the music therapy sessions at Karin Dom, music therapy calm and helps the concentration to attention, tones the central nervous system and stimulates the breathing, it has also healing effects on the psycho-emotional state of the children’s locomotor apparatus. It will have a positive impact on the individual areas of the child development, which will affect its ability to adapt more successfully to the educational environment of the kindergarten/school and to interact better with peers.

2. In terms of changing attitudes in the community to the children with special needs – we expect to build a better understanding of the status and the capabilities of children with special needs, reducing the stigma to them and their families.

Music has its special place in the everyday life of children with special needs and this project will enable us to continue the individual and group sessions of children with a qualified specialist.

About TELUS International

Since its establishment in 2015, the public board of TELUS International in Bulgaria has funded 57 projects. The public board of TELUS International exists in every location in which the company operates and aims to put the decision-making process on socially important social issues in the hands of significant public figures known for their philanthropic orientation and prominent leaders in the sphere where work.

The activity of the Public Board is part of the company’s corporate social responsibility policy, whose leading philosophy is “to give where we live.”

Implementation period

January - December 2019

Financed by

TELUS International

Contact person

Darina Raykova
телефон: +359 52 302 518