
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Best practices for early intervention for children with mental disabilities

The main objective of the project is to provide quality services to children with special needs from their earliest age and to their families in order to prevent children from being abandoned in institutions and to promote their successful inclusion into the life of the community.

The specific objective is to disseminate good practice by providing training and consultations in techniques for early intervention to professionals and parents of children with mental disabilities all over the country, adhering to the international standards.


  1. studying the interest and the necessity of holding trainings for different techniques in the region of Varna and other regions in Bulgaria; defining and setting up the target groups (parents, specialists);
  2. training of trainers and specialists from Karin Dom (trainings held by international trainers and local consultants);
  3. holding specialized trainings for therapists and specialists from the region of Varna and other regions in the country in the therapy techniques for early intervention;
  4. preparing, publishing and distribution of Manual for Trainers.


Implementation period

February 2009 - September 2009

Financed by

Open Society Institute