(Bulgarian) “Пощенска кутия за разкази” е инициатива на Карин дом, която има за цел да популяризира възможностите на хората със Синдром на Даун. Ще очакваме вашите истории до края на месец Март на имейл: marketing@karindom.org. Най-хубавите от тях ще публикуваме на нашия сайт, фейсбук страница и ще изпратим специален подарък на автора.
The program is suitable for: teachers from kindergartens and schools, specialists working with children with special needs, auxiliary staff, students and parents of children with special needs.
In March 11-13, Carinen’s CEO, Maya Doneva, will be in Brussels at the invitation of the European Commission on the national social services report and the social sector level for the past year.
Karin Dom will host an exciting event where people with experience will share accessible, environmentally friendly and applicable techniques in everyday life. Upcycle / Recycle Picnic – on 20.04.2019 from 11.00 to 16.00 in the garden of Karin Dom.
A discussion will be held with parents and specialists working with children with autism spectrum disorders, a pre-introduction to the “Communicate together” project and details on how to get involved.
Karin Dom is pleased to invite you to an upcoming two-day training session on “Strategies and techniques to tackle unacceptable behavior”. The training is 16 hours (attendance) and 1 credit.
(Bulgarian) Очакваме всички родители на деца със специални потребности, независимо дали посещават или не терапия в Карин дом на 27.02.2019г. (Сряда) от 14:30ч в Конферентната зала на Карин дом.
(Bulgarian) We are pleased to invite you to a two-day training organized by Karin Dom on the subject of “Safekeeping and assisting children with aggressive behaviour”. Dates: 25-26 February 2019 from 9.00 to 16.30 in the Karin Dom.