In the period 11-13 March, the Executive Director Karin Dom – Maya Donev will be in Brussels at the invitation of the European Commission to give feedback and objective view on the national report on social services and the level of social sector last year (2019 European Semester: Assessment of progress on structural reforms, prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances, and results of in-depth reviews under Regulation (EU) No 1176/2011)
“My main thesis will be how state policies should be aimed at providing a suitable environment for every child – including those with special needs, the importance of sustainable public policy towards supporting early childhood development and support organizations, which are working in this area.”- said Maya Doneva before the event.
This process will influence the process of the European Semester, which will start in November 2019. The aim is to include the concerns of our sector in the next Commission reports. This affects the policies of the Member States but also informs the Commission of the state of their overall work so as to guide policy development, future policies and what is the European Semester? The European Semester was created in the context of the economic crisis as an assessment of the economic situation of each country.
Stefan Izhkovski, from the Commission, turned to us, because this year’s in-depth look at the situation in Bulgaria. This is a great opportunity to hear the voice of Bulgarian social services and the opportunities for their financing.
Photo: Zvezdi Patare