
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Karin Dom’s Training Gathered Professionals from All Over Bulgaria

15 February 2017

Between February 6th and 10th this year, Karin Dom held two trainings in Varna at which attended more than 150 teachers and specialists – special teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists and others, from all over the country. The topic was “Specifics in the Work with Children with Multiple Disabilities. Modern Approaches.”

The trainings gave the participants a chance to introduce different cases from their practice and to discuss them with Karin Dom’s training team and other colleagues. What was learnt in the process of training, the participants compared to their practice and took part in practical sessions, roleplay and discussions with great interest.

We were allied in the change of terminology oriented from disabilities towards support. We emphasized on the importance of mastering the functional skills and alternative communication for improving the quality of life of children with complex needs. The training was full of demonstrations of materials, techniques and opportunities to be tried right away.

The interest for this training was great and it turned into a wonderful forum for exchanging ideas and experience. Specific challenges in the specialists’ work with children with multiple disabilities were discussed.

Guest at the training was Mrs. Greta Gancheva, Director of Department “Access to Education and Support of Development”, Ministry of Education and Science (MES), who assessed highly the efforts of the specialist. The training programs of Karin Dom for increasing the qualification of special teachers have been approved by MES which is another acknowledgment for the quality of the trainings we offer.

The training was free for the participants and was held under the project Enablin+ – an international partnership of 8 organizations with the Erasmus+ program with the European Union. It’s been realized by Bulgaria (represented by Karin Dom), Belgium, Romania, Italy, Portugal, France, the Netherlands with leading partner the University of Antwerp, Belgium. The project is aimed at the needs of children and youths with complex and intense support needs (CISN), the people who care for them and those who support them. The goal of the project is improving inclusion, encouraging the deinstitutionalization and improving quality of life of children with complex and intense support needs from different age groups.

We want to thank all for the active participation! We hope to see you again soon!

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