
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Invitation: International Conference 2016

5 February 2016

Dear friends and colleagues,

Karin Dom’s training team has the pleasure of inviting you to the

International Conference on “Modeling New Services for Children with Disabilities in Bulgaria”

When and where: March 11-12th 2016 at the Ceremonial hall of University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria.

Speakers at the event will be leading specialists from the United Kingdom and Bulgaria, among them representatives of Karin Dom Foundation, academics and organizations providing services to children.

Conference program

View and download the program from HERE


Free entrance!

Please, contact Magdalena Tsoneva at email to book your seat at the conference. Registration closes on March 4th 2016.

Looking forward to seing you at the conference!

Строим новия терапевтичен и образователен комплекс във Варна

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