Professionals from Karin Dom took part in the Second Multifaceted Conference on the topic of: “Current Pediatric Aspects of Autism in the Light of Medical Proof” at Medical University – Plovdiv.
The conference took place on April 3rd and 4th , with the participation of lecturers, representatives of MU – Plovdiv, child psychiatry clinic “St. Nikola”, the pediatric and genetic clinic with “St. George” hospital, Plovdiv, State hospital for mental health, Pazarzhik, “Unique” Medical Center, the department of speech therapy and social pedagogy with Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Special Hospital for Active Treatment for Children – Sofia and others.
Virginia Masarlieva – psychologist, member of Karin Dom’s therapeutic team and Stefka Tsvetanova, psychologist and member of Karin Dom’s training team, made a presentation on the subject of “Therapeutic Strategies in the Work with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”. They shared with the participants the experience of Karin Dom and presented a video material of a therapeutic session on a specific case.