Parental consultations are a space for sharing the daily difficulties, information and emotional support of mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, foster parents who take care of the children receiving therapy at Karin Dom.
“The book helped me as a parent to be able to explain and show my child that the special shoes with a splint that he has to wear is nothing to worry about. When we finished the story about Karin, B. reached for his own for the first time shoes and wished to put them on himself.”
Today Maria can move independently over ever greater distances. She is much more stable. She stands without support. She changes her direction of movement by herself. Adapted swimming sessions further supported her rehabilitation process and general coordination.
Dear friends, Our new book “The First 25 Years of Karin Dom” tells readers about the profound changes that are happening in our country over the past 25 years for children with special needs. They are told by eyewitnesses and active participants in these changes, who have encountered the status quo and dogmas, the rejection […]
We thank Karin Dom with all our hearts! We believe that one day Daniel will be a full part of our society and have a better future! Happy holiday Karin dom! Greetings from London!
The seminar was attended by more than 40 participants – representatives of both civil society organizations and parents and professionals. The discussion was conducted through the prism of practice, and the focus was to bring out the most useful, sustainable and effective practices, methods and approaches.
(Bulgarian) Темите, които ще бъдат засегнати в семинара са: Приобщаващото образование в Исландия – добрият пример, ползите и предизвикателствата пред системата и у нас; Ранна подготовка на деца за преход към ясла/градина/училище; Междусекторно сътрудничество; Обучения на родители и учители.
(Bulgarian) Здравейте! Казвам се Изабел и направих сензорно табло за дъщеричката ми Рали. Целта е тя да опознае чрез докосване различни материи и да обогати своя сетивен опит. Сензорната дъска е удобна за игра, както на пода, така и на масичка.