“For our joy, our daughter is a fighter, her heart is healthy, she sees, hears, reacts adequately, and just has one chromosome more …”
Ralitsa was born on a beautiful sunny day – 22 May 2015.
It was warm, everything looked great. I came in without fear and anxiety. I quickly and easily gave birth to my second child, a blue-red man wept and felt endlessly happy. Then suddenly there was a panic, they started to look for paediatricians, to go in and out, to whisper ……. but I did not suppose anything.
They left me alone with my baby for a few hours, then they took her to get her to a hospital in Dobrich on the pretext that there are no specialists here, and she does not want to eat and is a little more flabby. I did not doubt it again, I told myself it’s better that the child was under surveillance and we parted.
The next day, my husband told me in the gloomy corridor of the maternity ward the most horrifying conviction for us. Our second child, the long-awaited and desirable girl, has Down’s syndrome! I did not know how to react, I froze, a moment later, my thoughts went awry one after another confused … But how?! We did the necessary fetal morphologies, a great specialist in this field convinced us that there were no preconditions for Down, it was all right.
We cried a lot, terribly much. What will happen next? Is our child going to live, is there any disability other than genetic? We were in complete ignorance, no one came to explain anything to us. No doctor faces us to tell us what is Down, what will we fight for and what to expect?
For our joy our daughter is a fighter, her heart is healthy, she sees, hears, reacts adequately, and just has one chromosome more. We have a son at 8 years old, he is happy with her, they play and I see in their eyes the happiness that they are brother and sister! Our family is big and cohesive, our main foothold in the difficulties. For friends…. now I understand how many are, which are real because they love us. The man next to me is wonderful. We both understood that the grief and the pain should be shared so that we do not fall into it and get discouraged.
I’ve contacted other mothers of such children. With their help and advice, I started looking for specialists. One day while we were walking, I met Nina Vassileva, a child psychologist from Kavarna, and she directed me to Karin Dom Varna. I called, we arranged an hour and so we met our “Angels” – Vladislava Doncheva – rehabilitator and Svetlana Angelova – speech therapist. I call them Angels because they really helped Rally. With the help of their advice, their knowledge in this field and their dedication, she develops like other children of such an age. They rejoice, encourage her, and cuddle her. They are kind and understandable, humanly. With their help, I realized that mothers must believe in their children, even though, and the father is such a good word! A word meaning safety and security.
Thank you with all my heart! You have returned the hope and the laughter to our home!
Mother of a Child with Down syndrome
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Photo: aplus.com