
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Karin Dom will Support 5 Kindergartens with the Project “A Place for Every Child”

7 July 2021

The implementation of the project “A place for every child”, funded by the Kahane Foundation, has started, within which the specialists of Karin Dom will provide long-term and in-depth support to the teams of 5 kindergartens for inclusive education in practice. Through the project we will strive to change the negative attitudes of parents in connection with the inclusion of children with special needs in the group, we will share experiences and practical guidelines for active inclusion of children with special educational needs, we will help adapt the environment.

All this will happen through a series of trainings for the whole team, regular supervision, programs “Call an expert” and “Junior support teacher”, by improving the physical / inclusive environment, as well as by celebrating different days of continuity and family events. . The project invites to include 5 kindergartens in the city of Varna, located in different areas, to cover as many children as possible from different parts of the city.

The first meetings were already held with representatives of the teams of 23 Childcare center “Iglika” and Childcare center 5 “Sun”, during which our team made an analysis of training needs and analysis of the environment. During the meeting in “Iglika” was attended by the director – Mrs. Marchela Petrova, as well as 6 specialists – teachers and resource teachers. They shared their achievements and challenges in terms of inclusive education and inclusive environment, addressing specific needs that the Karin Dom team will respond to.

The trainings for the kindergarten team are still planned, as well as the first event – an information meeting for parents of children from the kindergarten, which will be held jointly with the team of Childcare center 23 “Iglika”.

In Childcare center 5 “Sun” in addition to assessing the environment and training needs, our team plans the first training. The project includes 2 trainings for the year, bringing 2 qualification credits for the specialists.

We thank the directors for their trust and great personal motivation to support and participate in the project!

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