
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Careers: Speech Therapist for our Early Intervention Mobile Team

9 May 2024

The Karin Dom team has been working for 27 years to support children with special needs and their families to lead independent and happy lives. Since the fall of 2022, we have grown with one of our dreams becoming a reality – we opened the new complex for health, social and educational services in a new building, created especially for the needs of children with special needs and their parents. We are happy to have the opportunity to grow and reach more families. The new complex is an example of an innovative and functional center at an international level.

Our principles of work bring to the forefront respecting and guaranteeing the rights of children. We believe that every child, regardless of their physical and mental condition, has opportunities and strengths that should be developed and used when we talk about securing their basic rights and equal access to social, health and educational services, family care and public support.

Today we are looking for a responsible and warm-hearted professional who supports and understands our cause and is willing to take their place in the Early Intervention team


  • Participates in the multidisciplinary team of specialists, performing a functional-diagnostic examination and analysis of children’s condition. Participates in the preparation of a preliminary individual assessment of the children using services at Karin Dom.
  • Participates in the team examination of the children, to study their needs and those of the family, after which prepares an individual assessment of the needs and an individual plan to support the user.
  • Assesses sensorimotor development, adaptive skills, cognitive, language-speech development, communicative and social skills.
  • Advises parents on questions about their child’s development in various areas. Determines the objectives of the support, based on an assessment of the potential and the way to achieve them. Trains the child’s relatives in activities suitable for implementation at home, which continue and maintain the effect of therapy in the home. Works to empower parents and family members.
  • Provides support to parents and other children in the family, evaluates the effectiveness of the therapy program and modifies it in a timely manner.
  • Makes home visits, meetings at the children’s institution that the child attends, or work in the field, as part of the mobile team of Karin Dom, provides services in the complex for social services for children (CSSC)– play groups, trainings with parents, etc.
  • Informs parents about other available services provided by Karin Dom and other social service providers in the community.
  • When a municipal or state institution reports a child at risk (of abandonment or institutionalization) – conducts a “crisis intervention” with the parents and relatives, with the aim of preventing abandonment.
  • Maintains contacts with doctors and other health professionals regarding children’s problems, needs and progress.
  • Works for the inclusive education of children with special needs and for their social integration.
  • Selects appropriate methods and means of impact and therapy.
  • Maintains documentation necessary for case work. Participates in the preparation of individual plans and programs, ongoing evaluations, team opinions, exit evaluations and documentation of children.
  • Plans and reports their work with families on a daily basis. Prepares monthly reports on activities. Participates in team meetings to discuss the organization of work at CSSC Karin Dom.
  • Participates in planned meetings with parents and relatives of the children.
  • Maintains and increases their professional qualification by participating in qualifications, trainings, seminars, projects, etc. Participates in external events-conferences, exchange of experience, workshops in order to present their work and the activities of Karin Dom.
  • Demonstrates loyalty to the Foundation’s values and works as a team member to achieve the organization’s goals.
  • Participates in the activities of the Foundation as a resource center and training center – seminars, practical classes for parents, professionals, students, volunteers, social assistants, etc.
  • Participates in the preparation and organization of holidays and entertainment for the children in/and outside Karin Dom.
  • Performs other activities on the orders of his immediate supervisor.


  1. Education – Higher, specialty “Speech Therapy”, “Special Teacher”
  2. Qualification requirements for the position – “Bachelor”
  3. Experience – in the field of social services and working with children and families;
  4. To possess excellently the following professional skills:
  • Very good knowledge of the Bulgarian legislation in the fields of health care, education, social activities concerning children and their families;
  • Knowledge of health problems and diseases: diseases of the nervous system, neuromuscular diseases, multiple disabilities, metabolic diseases and others.
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Skills for working with children and families;
  • Skills for building relationships of trust with clients;
  • Skills to adequately read and react to the different emotional states of customers.
  • Knowledge of the institutions, services and NGOs in the community and the country;
  • Specific social skills:

– ability to work with children and families;

– ability to work with persons from different vulnerable groups;

– skills for quick, adequate reaction and decision-making in a situation of crisis, emotional conflict, implementation of crisis interventions, skills for adequate behavior when working with persons with aggressive/self-aggressive behavior and others;

– good communication and teamwork skills.


  • Responsibility
  • Creativity
  • Patience
  • Initiative
  • Willingness to work in a dynamic environment
  • Non-discriminatory treatment
  • Good time management
  • Strive to upgrade professional knowledge and skills


  • A permanent employment contract with a fair salary reflecting the responsibilities of the position
  • Paid leave from 36 to 45 days
  • Care through the Health and Wellbeing Program
  • Internal tracking system and incentives for good performance
  • Trainings to acquire knowledge and skills on leading methods and approaches to support children with special needs and parents
  • Mobile phone, office computer
  • Possibility of trips related to the exchange of experience in the country and abroad according to the organization’s projects

If you recognize yourself as the person for the described position, we would be happy to receive your resume and cover letter by April 5, 2024 on:

We are committed to review all submitted applications and to return feedback and an invitation for a first interview to those candidates who meet our expectations for this responsible position and have submitted a cover letter.

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