The conference on early childhood development, “Let’s grow together,” was organized by UNICEF.
It was held on the 1st and 2nd of June in Sofia. Among the important issues discussed were maternal and child health, nutrition and development of children, and the need for support of vulnerable families.
More than 350 participants from health and social sectors, NGOs, and parents listened and discussed the best Bulgarian and international practices and experience in all areas of child development. In attendance along with the representatives listed above were nine health mediators from municipalities where homes for children without parental care will be closed in the near future.
There were three separate working groups in which models of work were presented from many countries – the UK, the Netherlands, and others.
Our project coordinator, Mrs. Vesselina Vassileva, presented Karin Dom Foundation’s early intervention program. Karin Dom continues to actively and very successfully work on this program which began more than 7 months ago.