
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Baby Box – an Inspiring Idea of ​​Karin Dom in Support of Newborn Babies and Their Families in Varna

15 May 2021

Baby box is an inspiring idea of Karin Dom. The perpose of it is to support the equal start of every child. Because the first months of a child’s life are crucial for his formation as a person, for building attachment in the family. We believe that it is important for parents to be calm, to enjoy the important things in life, the unforgettable first moments and the first meeting with their baby, without unnecessary worries and stress.

The baby box at Karin Dom will be given to the families upon discharge from the maternity ward. Following the example of a number of European countries, mothers in Varna will receive a set with essentials that they would need for the first moments of their child.

The Baby Box project was initiated by the Karin Dom Foundation with the support of the Kahane Foundation and is inspired by the Finnish model, where every newborn family receives the most important things for the first months. Karin Dom will prepare and donate 1,000 sets to all newborn babies in the partner hospitals of the campaign: AG-Varna, District Hospital and Mother’s Home – Varna.

We would like to thank to our partners who embraced the idea and joined in it with great enthusiasm!

Rusalia Yordanova – mother of premature twins, born in SBAGAL “Prof. dr. D. Stamatov ”was the first to receive baby boxes today, presented by Dr. Snezhina Tsvetkova – pediatrician, head of the Department of Neonatology and Svetla Angelova – methodologist of the Early Intervention service and manager of a team of early childhood development consultants in Karin Home. The team of the neonatology ward provides professional care for all young patients and very soon one will be discharged, which is currently being monitored at the hospital. For the past year, 2,099 babies were born in the General Hospital, and 313 newborns have passed through the Neonatology Intensive Care Unit.

Why do you need a BabyBox?

Currently in Bulgaria there is no general and accessible mechanism for training parents or supporting parents of newborns. This leads to a number of challenges and stress for both parents and the baby. BabyBox is free and the contents of all boxes are the same: baby clothes, blanket, soft toy, baby cosmetics set, diapers, wooden comb, wooden toy, cotton baby wipes, set “Baby playing cards from 0 to 6 months”, created by the specialists of Karin Dom as well as a voucher for a free consultation with our team. In addition, families who have received a baby box can register to participate in our exciting draw with prizes HERE.

We wish the family good health, happiness and wonderful first moments together!

“We consider this project as an addition to our many years of work on the early intervention program. Science and experience have shown us that the first moments of childbirth are extremely important for every family. Even more for families facing any kind of challenge as giving birth to a child with special needs, low income, single parenthood, lack of family support and others. This set, at first glance a nice gesture, is actually a tool for support in cases where a mother needs support – in addition to material gifts, the set includes a voucher for a consultation with our specialist – psychologist, speech therapist, rehabilitator. We believe that this first helping hand can have an impact and we hope that one day it could even become a state policy.”– said Maya Doneva, director of the Karin Dom Foundation

In June, Karin Dom will celebrate 25 years since its establishment. For a quarter of a century Karin Dom has been providing a different and complex model of services for children and their families. The team provides qualified rehabilitation and early intervention services to more than 300 children a year across the country aged 0 to 8, and our greatest achievement is the partnership with the families – our most valuable ally on the road to every success. Every little victory and a big step in the development of children it is related with their parents.

About the Kahane Foundation
The Karl Kahane Foundation was established in 1991 by the Karl Kahane Foundation as an independent, private, non-political and non-religious charity. He is involved in the civil society and NGO sector in Europe, Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa. The mission of the Kahane Foundation is to help people create a dignified and peaceful living environment.

Photographer: Yana Peneva

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