
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Training: Application of the Montessori Method with Children with Special Educational Needs at Preschool Age

28 August 2024

Karin Dom is pleased to invite you to a three-day in person training on the topic: “Application of the Montessori Method with Children with Special Educational Needs at Preschool Age”.

The program was approved by Order RD09-1365/03.07.2023 of 02-08-2023 of the Minister of Education and Science. The training has a duration of 32 hours (in person attendance) and carries 2 credits.

Dates: 24-26.10.2024 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Venue: Karin Dom, Varna, 86A Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.

Participation fee: BGN 560. Payment information can be found on the registration form.

The training is suitable for: Specialists working in the education system and in the social sphere, assistant educators, parents.

You can make your registration HERE.

Method of completion:

– Test;

– Pedagogical specialists working in the education system receive a Certificate with 2 qualification credits;

– Other training participants receive a certificate.

Lecturers: Training team of Karin Dom – Svetla Todorova – Montessori teacher and special teacher/speech therapist, Zhechka Ivanova – Montessori teacher

Description: Theoretical and practical program that presents the Montessori method of teaching and upbringing as an alternative method to support the development of children with special educational needs in preschool age. The role of adults in a child’s life is to support them in the best possible way and respond to their needs in various aspects – physical, cognitive, emotional and social. The pedagogical system of Maria Montessori provides knowledge about this and is an opportunity to achieve positive results in the development of children and for them to develop their full potential as a result of organized activities by applying the method or elements of it. The program includes nineteen main topics and four hours of observation of work with children with special educational needs in a prepared Montessori environment.

Main topics:

  1. “Specifics in the development of children with special educational needs – motor sphere, sensations and perceptions, memory, thinking, speech”,
  2. “Introduction to the Montessori method – creation and distribution”,
  3. “Phases and sensitive periods in human development”,
  4. “Elements of the Montessori Method”,
  5. “The role of the adult in the child’s life”,
  6. “Movement Development”,
  7. “Development of speech”,
  8. “Development of independence”,
  9. “Montessori therapy – object, goals and content”,
  10. “Principles of Montessori therapy based on classical Montessori pedagogy”,
  11. “Areas of the prepared Montessori therapeutic environment”,
  12. “Principles on which the work of the teacher/therapist with children with special educational needs in the application of Montessori therapy is based”,
  13. “Working with children with learning and other difficulties in a Montessori environment to acquire elementary school skills, social skills, life skills, adaptive skills”,
  14. “Children’s relationship with nature when applying Montessori therapy”,
  15. “Application of the Montessori method in organizing an open educational space”,
  16. “Occupational therapy as part of Montessori therapy”,
  17. “Children’s creativity in a Montessori environment”,
  18. “Activities in the kitchen as part of Montessori therapy”,
  19. “Practical Guidelines for Making Montessori Materials.”

For contacts: Magdalena Tsoneva – Training Center Manager Phone: 0878 302 517, e-mail:

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