Dear colleagues and friends,
It is our pleasure to invite you to the upcoming training
“Montessori – sensorial education and the child’s natural development”
October 15, 16, 2015 at Karin Dom’s conference room, Varna
Trainers: Feodora Stancioff – Cofounder and Directress of the International Montessori School of Grenade, France
Zhechka Ivanova – pedagogue, trainer
This workshop will include both theory and practical work with sensory materials.
After last year’s Montessori workshop where we introduced the activities of the Practical life area, we continue with the second area of Montessori’s pedagogy – Sensory education.
We have planned to organize two more Montessori training seminars in 2016 where we will look at the Language and Mathematics areas. This will complete the entire Montessori method training cycle.
Maria Montessori saw a sensorial education as vital for the child’s natural development.
It is the most comprehensive of Montessori’s educational schemes as it follows the natural qualities of the human being. The child focuses on improving all her senses – from visual to stereognostic.
The purpose and aim of Sensorial work is for the child to acquire understanding of her environment. The activities study each quality that can be percieved through the senses – size, form, texture, composition, sound, correspondence, weight, temperature, etc. Through work with the sensorial materials, the child learns to classify and compare the objects around her, and to realize the connection between a quality and the term describing it.
About Feodora Stancioff
Feodora Stancioff is cofounder and directress of the International Montessori School in Toulouse, France. She gives talks and workshops on Montessori at French teachers’ training centres. She first started introducing the Montessori philosophy at Karin Dom in 2000 where she has continued training the team ever since. She herself did her teachers’ training 3/6 at the London A.M.I centre in 1991.
After the training you will receive a certificate for your participation.
Participation fee: 220 BGN
Registration closes: October 10, 2015
Please fill in the registration form here *
*The registration form is only available in Bulgarian, please feel free to contact us if you need assistance!
Payment is accepted by bank transfer:
Account Name: Karin Dom
Bank: Societe Generale Expressbank – Transport Branch, Varna, Bulgaria
IBAN: BG67 TTBB 9400 1506 0684 19
For more information:
Please contact Magdalena Tsoneva
Phone: +359 52 302 517, +359 878 750 269
Looking forward to seing you!
Karin Dom’s team