The specialists at Karin Dom have long-term experience in the field of overcoming sensory processing disorders in children with special needs. With great pleasure, they share this experience with colleagues from all over Bulgaria.
On January 15th, the training team of the Karin Dom Foundation carried out three day training in Sensory Integration with specialists from three cities – Jambol, Shumen and Varna.
The specialists participated actively in practical sessions, discussions and a workshop in Sensory Integration, where they received practical advising on how to prepare and make, by themselves, materials for sensory stimulation that can be used in their work.
The participants shared their impressions of the training and expressed their wish to participate in a follow-up training on the subject of Sensory Stimulation in a Multisensory Environment.
“Everything that I heard and saw is of great interest for me and I will use it in my work.”