A seminar on “Social enterprise as a way to include people with mental disorders in the labor market” was held on 25th and 26th February. It was targeted at social service providers, recruitment agencies, employers and representatives of local authorities, and was held as part of the project “Supporting Employment”, funded by Operational Programme “Human Resources”.
Speakers at the seminar were Prof. Tomov – Director of the center “Bulgarian institutions for Human Relations” (New Bulgarian University), Dr Marinova and Dr Dimitrova from “Targovishte Association for Mental Health”.
The participants discussed the opportunities and barriers to social inclusion of people with severe mental disorders, the European and Bulgarian legislation on social integration, the Government policy on employment of vulnerable groups and their integration in society and working life. The group nominated some participants who will continue working together to create a strategy in relation to the National Action Plan for employment and training of people with disabilities.
The seminar was attended by representatives from Karin Dom Foundation – Bistra Boncheva, Vladislava Doncheva and Dr Apostol Apostolov.