After one year of training of the parents by profession “Assistant of Social Activities “, the first group ended with a State Exam. During a theoretical and practical state examination, the parents achieved excellent results and the official certificates for the degree of qualification in the profession are to be officially presented. Parents are eagerly awaiting their graduation. The certificates are valid throughout the European Union. For the second group, which includes ten parents, a state examination is due in November. They continue with the hours of the teaching practice.
A big part of the parents has the attitude and confidence to work the profession. They are looking for information about suitable jobs. As we attended various social services during classes, some of them have preferences where they would like to work. They want to be involved in other projects and initiatives of Karin Dom – social enterprise, events, and volunteer activities.
The project “Support for parents of children with disabilities for social and professional realization” includes 34 parents and 20 children, to whom Karin Dom provides therapeutic activities while their parents are trained in the following professions: “Assistant of Social Activities “, “Organizer Internet applications “or English.
Thanks to the project we build successful cooperation between Karin Dom, the business and the parents of children with special needs. To facilitate the future realization of the parents of children with special needs, we also created a communication system between employers and parents.
In the platform can register all parents of children with special needs. Employers can join by making registration quick and easy from here:
The project “Support for parents of children with disabilities for social and professional realization” of Karin Dom is implemented under Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2014-2020, with the financial support of the European Union, European Social Fund.