About her, they say: “She was cheerful, fun, wise. She listened and could give advice and comfort the people around her with a warm understanding. Her love for life was infectious, her ability to love was unique. She was thirsty for knowledge, she read a lot and had a phenomenal memory. Karin particularly loved art, music and ballet; she loved to paint with her fingers and was very good at it. She loved to visit museums “(by her sister’s memories).
Karin is the cousin of the founder of Karin Dom – Ivan Stanchov. Karin suffers from cerebral palsy at birth (a spasmodic child dippelgia known as Disease of Little). Endowed with strong will and determination for six years in America, Karin has undergone countless clinical trials. At the beginning of 1945 in England, they continued daily exercises and therapy, including speech exercises. In addition, three years later, they began therapy on the newly developed Bobat method, which resulted in a general, but slow improvement. In fact, Karin is the first patient of Mrs Bobat in London. In parallel with the treatment she is an excellent student and taking exams with very good grades, Karin is a curious child, always ready for adventures – outings, trips, travelling the world with her family, who supported her throughout her whole life.
In 1994 Ivan Stanchov managed to convince his family to provide the hereditary house in the Sea Garden of Varna where he founded the Karin Dom Foundation. Ivan Stanchov’s idea is to create a new model for services for children with special needs so that the abandonment of these children in homes can be stopped. He gathers a small team of specialists from Varna and invites professionals from England to train the Bulgarian colleagues on the most modern world-recognized therapeutic methods.
Thanks to his charismatic personality and strong personal motivation to serve the society, Mr Stanchov attracts donors and adherents to support the cause. This is the first day-care centre for children with special needs, following the good European practices and bearing the name of a special child, a compassionate woman Karin Desislava Fedora Bernadette Maria Geppen Stanchov, born in London on May 14, 1935, and died at 55 years.
In the memories of all who knew her, she remains an example of strong will, love and compassion.
See more interesting facts about the history of Karin Dom here.