
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Karin Dom at the Golden Autumn Festival

21 October 2011

On 20th of October the children from Karin Dom for the 4th time took part in the annual festival “Golden Autumn” which is organized by the Zlatni Pyasatsi Nature Park Directorate. The kindergardens and the schools that participated in the festival are Eco-Schools awarded with the Green Flag, an internationally acknowledged symbol for environmental excellence.

The children from Karin Dom performed the musical play “Forest team” and were dressed as different forest animals – there was a bunny, a hedgehog, a fox, a bear and others.

Karid Dom’s volunteers who attended and took part in the festival are part of the “Good will summer school”, a project funded by the Youth Programme 2011, Department of Youth Activities and Sports, Municipality Varna.

At the end of the festival all of the children received gifts and participation certificates.

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