Karin Home invites you to
an online training on the subject
“Sharing practical experience in working with children with cerebral palsy – hidden possibilities”
When: July 15, 2021, 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.
At the beginning of the topic, as an introduction, we will make a brief theoretical overview, supported by photos of types of cerebral palsy, according to location, degree of involvement and muscle tone.
We will review and analyze short videos of working with children with cerebral palsy and other similar neurological conditions. We will monitor the development of children and the discovery of their capabilities in appropriate therapy, alternative and complementary communication.
In this webinar we will give participants the opportunity to share their cases, good practices and challenges in working with children with cerebral palsy.
For whom: The webinar is suitable for teachers, specialists working with children with special needs, students, parents.
Zvezdelina Atanasova – special pedagogue and speech therapist
Andreas Andreu – kinesitherapist
Aneta Morfova – speech therapist
Method of completion: Certificate of completed training
Fee: This webinar is free for all participants.
You can register HERE!
Magdalena Tsoneva – Training and Development Specialist
Phone: 0878 302 517, e-mail: mtsoneva@karindom.org
The webinar is held in the implementation of a project “Transfer of practices to improve support for children with special needs and their families for inclusive education “, financed by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.