
Sveti Nikola

P.O.Box 104, Varna 9010



+359 52 302518

Karin Dom Has Launched Bulgaria’s First Basic Pediatric Bobat Course for Therapists

13 December 2022

In November, Karin Dom organized and launched the country’s first Basic 8-week Bobat course for children, which will enable 9 of our specialists – rehabilitators, kinesitherapists, speech therapists and occupational therapists, as well as 13 therapists from the country, to become certified Bobat therapists. The course is led by teachers from the Belgian Bobat Association and after its completion in June 2023 participants will receive a certificate recognized by the European Association of Bobat Educators with a unique registration number as certified Bobat Therapists.

The Bobat concept is among the most popular and widely used approaches by therapists working with children with cerebral palsy and similar neurological disorders.

It was established and developed in the 1940s and early 1950s by Berta and Karl Bobat. The concept is based on the brain’s ability to adapt to change and to reorganize and recover after neurological damage.

The Bobat approach is based on a number of principles which include:

  • Encouraging normal movement patterns;
  • Focusing on the quality of movement;
  • Normalization of tone to facilitate active movement;
  • Reduction of compensatory movements;
  • Promotion of functional skills to improve quality of life.

The Bobat therapy is a family-centered approach.

When planning the therapy, a detailed observation and evaluation of the child’s movements, play, communication, eating, drinking and self-care is done. The child’s interests and preferences are taken into account so that the child is motivated to participate and that the therapy is enjoyable. Together with the family their concerns and what they would like to achieve for the child are discussed. The goals of therapeutic intervention are determined together with the family. Physiotherapists, speech and occupational therapists work together within the same therapy session to address the complex difficulties that children with cerebral palsy often have. It is therefore important that they have a common understanding and view of the child, as well as single, agreed goals to work towards.

Bobat is a basic concept underlying the therapeutic work of Karin Dom, which is in sync with the basic principles on which our work is based – teamwork, a holistic approach to the child, parental involvement and building skills for independent living.

The concept has been applied in Karin Dom since the beginning of the organization’s therapeutic work in 1997. It was presented to our team by British children’s Bobat therapists.

We are delighted and proud that after so many years we have been able to organize this complete course to give our therapists the strongest possible foundation of knowledge, skills and confidence to apply the method for the benefit of children and families.

Photographer: Gergana Encheva

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